Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Continue Security Measures

{ 2 }Firewall
To answer that question, some networking background information must first be outlined. I will try not to get too technical in this area by simplifying the explanations and examples. When information is sent across the internet or a network, there are two very basic items that are required to make sure the information gets where it is intended to go and processed properly. They are: 
  • An address - An address is basically an indicator which enables data intended for a computer to locate it. It is similar to an address on a letter which is used by the postal service to find the right house number that a letter in being sent to. Each computer has an address which is used to locate it when information is being sent to it.
  • A port - A port is a networking reference number used with the TCP/IP networking protocol which associates network packets (information sent over the network) with services or application programs. The port number helps indicate which program running on a receiving computer will process the information received.
When a computer is operating, there are usually many programs running on it at the same time even though some of these programs may be running in the background and the computer user is not aware of all of them. Some programs "listen" on one or more ports for information intended for them. One example of this is your internet browser. After it has requested a web page, it sets up a return port number for the information sent back to it to be received on. When the data arrives on the expected port, the internet browser program knows that it should process it. It receives the information, formats it, and displays it on your computer screen.
To put it simply, there are two main types of firewalls. They are: 
  • Packet filtering
  • Application Firewall

Packet Filtering Firewall

Generally and simply put, a packet filtering firewall examines the ports that the information is intended for and will either allow the information to be sent through or prevent the information from getting to the computer and specific program that may have processed it.
The firewalls I refer to as corporate firewalls are used to protect what is called a private network. A private network is a special network which is hidden behind one network device (usually a firewall). The firewall may use only one address on the internet or only a handful of addresses on the internet while there are hundreds or thousands of computers behind the firewall on the corporate network. The figure below illustrates this. Each small box represents a computer which may be a computer used by an employee of the organization that owns the network.

Security Measures

Security Measures

If you do not at least have a personal firewall and anti-virus protection then you should not connect your computer to the internet. Not following these basic requirements is a perfect formula for getting trojans, viruses, worms, and backdoors which can ruin your system causing you to need to reformat your hard drive and re-install your operating system.
  Security Procedures
 { 1 }Anti-virus
Anti virus programs are designed to protect computer systems from viruses. These programs provide two levels of functionality when protecting against viruses: 
  • Real time protection
  • Scaning of files stored on computer drives or disks.
Anti-virus programs can detect viruses two ways: 
  • Footprint of virus program - This method is the most common method used to identify viruses and false positives are extremely rare. It compares the virus footprint against a library of known footprints which match viruses. A footprint is a pattern in the data included in a file. Using this method, viruses must be identified as viruses, then added to the library of footprints. The advantage to this method lies in the fact that false positives are extremely rare. The disadvantage to this method is the fact that there is a time period between when the virus is released to when the library of known footprints is updated. During this time period, the virus will not be recognized and could infect a computer.
  • Characteristics of program - This is called heuristic scanning and examines the actions that the program attempts to take or may attempt to take. It looks at the type of system function calls included in the executable code and if it looks too suspicious, it may flag the program as a possible virus and ask for user intervention. The advantage to this method is the fact that there is no time period when the computer is not protected after specific viruses are released. The disadvantages include the fact that false positives may occur and some viruses may not be identified.
I recommend a product that uses both of the above methods to scan for viruses. When viruses are identified with a library of footprints, the anti-virus program can usually be configured to automatically download the latest library of footprints periodically. I recommend that this be no less than once per day since a delay would increase the chance of unrecognized viruses infecting the computer system being protected.
There are several actions that anti-virus programs take or may take when a virus is found. Usually options are configured in the program to attempt one action first, then if that fails try a second action, etc. 
  • Repair the file that has the virus. Usually this is attempted first.
  • Quarantine the file that has the virus so no program can access it but it could be restored. Usually this is done when a virus laden file cannot be repaired.
  • Delete the file that has the virus.

Anti-Virus Measures

  • If you do not have an anti-virus product, purchase one. Check the anti-virus products section to see a variety of anti-virus products. Read the reviews on these products where they are available.
  • Update the virus list database in your anti-virus product at least once per day. Most products have an automatic update feature which allows you to set when it will check for updates and do them automatically. The updates should be done often since not all products can filter against unrecognized viruses. Delaying the update time for your anti-virus product virus library will increase the chance of your system getting an unrecognized virus.
  • A full virus scan should be done at least once per week.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

syAitAn Itu KreaTIf

Pernah satu ketika saya diminta belajar daripada syaitan oleh seorang yang ulama yang dihormati. Saya terkejut. Benarkah ini?

“Belajar tentang kreativiti dan inovasi syaitan menyesatkan manusia,” jelasnya.

Saya tersenyum. Ada kebenarannya. Syaitan begitu kreatif mencipta dan mempromosi kejahatan. Ada-ada sahaja cara dan jalannya. Tidak pernah kaku, jarang yang beku. Sentiasa ligat dan cepat. Sentiasa ada pembaharuan. Malangnya, acapkali orang yang memperjuangkan kebenaran…tidak se’dinamik’ dia. Tumpul kreativiti dan beku inovasi. Asyik-asyik yang semacam itu juga.

Begitulah. Semoga kisah dialog di bawah boleh dijadikan cabaran untuk minda bagi terus memperjuangkan kebenaran. Kita mesti lebih kreatif daripada syaitan!


Bertemu dengannya dahulu merupakan satu penghormatan. Apa tidaknya, dia sudah berubah ke arah kebaikan.

“Mengapa tiba-tiba?” tanya saya.

“Hidayah bang…” jawabnya si dia pendek.

“Bagaimana dengan segalanya?” Risau saya dengan profesyennya.

“Allah ada. Allah akan membantu segalanya.”

“Syukur,” kata saya perlahan.

Setahun kemudian.

“Lihat ini..” kata seorang sahabat sambil menghulurkan sekeping gambar.

“Betul ke ni?”

“Apa kau ingat ini ‘super-impose’?”

Saya terdiam. Kaku.

“Mana pergi tudungnya?”

“Itu..” tuding jari saya kepada tudung merah di atas kepalanya.

“Itu tudung?”

“Yalah, bertudung tapi tidak menutup aurat.”

“Bertutup tapi terbuka, tahupun…” katanya seakan menyindir.

Bila kenalan itu pergi, saya tatap sekali lagi gambar yang ditinggalkan. Kasihan saya melihat wajah si dia yang terbaru. Terasa, betapa kekadang hidayah datang dan pergi berselang-seli. Masih terbayang tangisannya tempoh hari, ketika menceritakan bagaimana terbuka pintu hatinya menginsafi dosa-dosa lampau.

“Bang saya insaf bang…“

Lantas, tanpa sesiapa yang memaksa… dia mengenakan tudungnya. Lengkap, labuh, menutup aurat berpandukan syariat. Tidak jarang, tidak ketat, tidak mengundang fitnah bertandang. Sempurna. Sejuk, mata memandang. Dingin kalbu merasakan. Betapa hidayah itu singgah tanpa mengira siapa, di mana dan bila? Dulu si dia terpilih, sekarang kembali tersisih?

Kini tiba-tiba segalanya semacam ‘ditarik’ kembali. Tudungnya makin singkat. Dari mulanya di bawah paras dada, naik ke paras leher dan akhirnya kembali membuka leher, dagu dan… Paling malang, tingkah yang dulunya mula terjaga, kini lepas bebas kembali. Kata sesetengah yang setuju, biarlah… itu lambang Islam dinamik. Bertudung tapi masih boleh meliuk-lentuk, terkinja-kinja dan bersuara manja. Yang penting hati… Asal hati baik, tidak mengapa. Yang penting isi, kulit tak apa. Kalau begitu kenapa dulu perlu bertukar kulit? Insaf dan taubat sahajalah, tak payah bertudung litup seperti kelmarin!

Saya teringat kuliah yang pernah disampaikan oleh seorang ulama satu ketika dahulu:

“Syaitan terlalu kreatif…” Kreatif? Bisik hati saya.

“Kekadang syaitan tidak menghasut manusia meninggalkan daerah putih menuju daerah hitam… Tetapi dia mengujudkan lebih banyak daerah ‘grey’ – warna keperang-perangan, yang hakikatnya bukan lagi kebenaran.” Terfikir saya, inilah jerangkap kebatilan yang dianggap kebenaran. Topeng baik bagi melempiaskan kejahatan yang dulunya terpendam. Ya, syaitan terlalu kreatif. Ada-ada sahaja ‘was-was’ baru yang ditiupkan ke jiwa insan agar meminggirkan jalan Tuhan.

Hasilnya, sekarang kita dapat lihat bagaimana ada gadis bertudung di kalangan Mat Rempit. Ada wanita bertudung yang melalak dengan gaya bebas terbabas dari nilai akhlak dan kesopanan. Atau peragawati bertudung dengan langkah ‘catwalk’ dengan dada, ‘make-up’ galak sambil yang mengundang pesona dan ‘aura’ dosa. Dan lebih ‘daring’ lagi kita dapat lihat tarian ala-ala gelek oleh gadis bertudung… Atau sekarang pun sudah ada bunga-bunga munculnya Rockers wanita bertudung? Ah, apa ni? Daerah ‘grey’? Atau segalanya sudah hitam, kelam, kusam.

Teringat juga saya pesan daripada seorang yang saya sangat hormati kerana ilmu dan kewarakannya:

“Tudung wanita itu ada empat… tudung pada wajahnya, tudung pada mata, tudung pada suara, tudung pada hati.” Apa ertinya? “Tudung pada wajah… jangan sampai wajahnya mengundang fitnah. Kecantikan adalah pingitan buat suami, bukan pameran untuk lelaki ajnabi. Tudung pada mata… jangan matanya memandang lelaki lain selain muhramnya. Solehah yang hakiki, tidak dipandang, tidak memandang. Tudung pada suara… jangan dilunak-lunakkan dengan tujuan memikat dan mempersona. Tudung pada hati… mengingati Allah… dengan tasbih Siti Fatimah, subhanallah, alhamdulillah dan Allahu Akbar…”

“Jangan terlalu ekstrem,” tegur seorang kawan bila saya lontarkan pandangan betapa wanita bertudung masakini sudah semakin hilang ‘penghormatannya’ (baca betul-betul… bukan ‘kehormatan’). Bagi saya kuantiti orang bertudung meningkat tapi kualitinya merudum.”
“Bukan begitu. Menutup aurat ada tujuannya… tercapaikah tujuan dengan penutupannya. Jika tidak, hakikatnya mereka masih terdedah,” balas saya perlahan.

“Aku tak faham. Maksud kau?”

“Seperti juga solat. Tujuannya mengingati Allah, kesannya pasti dapat mencegah kejahatan dan kemungkaran. Begitu maksud Al Quran apabila menjelaskan tujuan solat didirikan.”


“Jika solat tidak mencapai tujuan pasti ada sesuatu yang menyimpang. Samalah seperti hukum menutup aurat, tujuannya menjaga akhlak dan kehormatan. Maknanya kalau sudah menutup aurat, tetapi masih tercalar akhlak dan kehormatan… tentu ada yang salah dalam penutupannya.”

“Jangan ektreem sangat. Tutup aurat bukan ertinya kita menutup keindahan. Tak salah berhias, menarik, cantik.”

“Keindahan mesti didasari oleh kebenaran. Ingat, setiap keindahan tidak semestinya satu kebenaran…”

“Jadi kebenaran menolak keindahan?”

“Keindahan itu satu kebenaran!” balas saya cepat. Ya, atas alasan bertudung tidak menafikan keindahan pelbagai ‘aksesori’ ditokok-tambah menjadikan tudung lebih dimertabatkan sebagai ‘fesyen’ orang ‘baik-baik’ dan orang ‘cantik-cantik’ berbanding syariat wanita yang beriman!

“Hormati, itukan era transisi” kata seorang sahabat seakan memujuk saya.

“Transisi? Apa maksud mu?”

“Sebelum lengkap bertudung… err… maksudku menutup aurat, biarlah mereka berskaf dulu. Tu pun dah baik daripada sebelumnya yang tak menutup kepala langsung.”

“Transisi, ke arah mana? Aku tidak bercakap tentang orang yang tak bertudung langsung. Tetapi aku bercakap tentang individu yang dulu tak bertudung, lepas tu bertudung, kemudian berskaf sahaja… ini transisi ke arah mana? Nak bertudung semula atau nak tak bertudung semula?”

Dia diam. Bungkam. Marah sayapun kerana sayang.

“Langkah pengalihan mesti diiringi oleh pengisian. Jangan tutup kepala sahaja, tetapi isi kepala yang ditutup itu dengan ilmu. Mereka yang tidak menghadiri majlis lebih 40 hari, hati menjadi gelap. Kemudian cari kawan-kawan yang sehaluan. Penghayatan agama kita dipengaruhi oleh kawan-kawan kita…”

“Kau kata mereka tidak ada ilmu?’”

“Bukan begitu. Menuntut ilmu mesti berterusan. When you stop learning, you stop leading – maksudnya, jika kita berhenti menuntut ilmu kita akan berhenti memimpin. Sekurang-kurangnya memimpin diri sendiri,” kata saya.

“Sekali lagi. Kau meragui ilmu mereka?.”

“Ada sebab untuk aku meraguinya? Maaf, aku pun bukan baik. Tetapi kita tidak boleh berdiam melihat kejahilan berkata-kata.”

“Maksud kau?”

“Ada yang berkata, dia masih menutup aurat kerana dia memakai rambut palsu! Bayangkan apa yang orang begini faham tentang hukum menutup aurat? Pernahkah dia mendengar tafsir Surah An Nur? Pernah dia belajar tafsiran hadis tentang aurat wanita Islam? Peliknya, suara semacam ini semakin nyaring sekarang.”

Aku diam. Tafakur. Semua itu imiginasi untuk tulisan ini semata. Namun itu bukan ilusi. Aku tidak pernah punya kesempatan untuk menuturkannya. Lalu Kemudi Hati ini menjadi wadahku berbicara. Untuk diri, isteri, anak perempuanku dan anda wanita-wanita Islam semua. Antara syaitan bisu dan syaitan yang licik berkata-kata, kekadang kita jadi semakin bungkam… menjadi ‘malaikat’ yang diam? Oh, tidak… Rasul berpesan: katakan yang benar walaupun pahit!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Differences between computerized and non- computerized systems.



A system is an arrangement of elements that when it is put together it becomes an organised and established procedure. A system typically consists of components connected together in order to facilitate the flow of information, matter or energy.

A computer system consists of a set of hardware and software which processes data in a meaningful way.

• education is the science of teaching and learning of specific skills
• it also imparts knowledge, good judgement and wisdom


• banking was done manually by taking deposits directly
• transactions can only be made during working hours
• takes time to approve any loan applications

• all transactions are done by computers
• transaction can be done at anytime and place 
• online services, phone banking system, credit cards are available


Production was slow because everything was done manually and totally depended on human labour.

Computers and telecommunications industry became very opular and profitable since production can be increased through an all day operation.


Commerce is an activity of exchanging, buying and selling of commodities on a large scale involving transportation from place to place.

• Trading was made using the barter system and it was then later developed 
into currency. 
• Advertisement was in the form of word of mouth, billboards and printed 
• Trading globally was extremely slow, late and expensive. Traders had to find
ways to market local products in the global market.

E-commerce plays an important role in the economic scene. It includes distribution, buying, selling and servicing products that are done electronically.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

usage of ict in everyday life


Today, most schools and higher educational institutions have computers in the classroom for teacher and students. In education, teachers, students, researchers and school administrators benefits from the usage of ICT.

The computer is the nerve centre of the banking system around the world. It functions to control the entire banking system that also includes 'Electronic Banking Services'.

Electronic banking provides 24 hour services. The services include :

• Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
• Cheque Deposit
• Electronic Fund Tranfer
• Direct Deposit
• Pay by phone system
• Personal computer banking/ internet banking

In the banking sector, customers, businessman and bank administrator benefits from the usage of ICT.


Computers are used to facilitate production planning and control systems, to support chain management and to help in product design in the industrial sector.In the industrial sector ,workers, researchers and administrator benefits from the usage of ICT.


E-commerce helps in boosting the economy. It makes buying and selling activities easier, more efficient and faster. For this application, computers, Internet and shared software are needed.

In the e-commerce sector ,customers r, suppliers and employees benefits from the usage of ICT.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Information and communications technology or information and communication technology,[1] usually called ICT, is often used as a synonym for information technology (IT) but is usually a more general term that stresses the role of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) in modern information technology. ICT consists of all technical means used to handle information and aid communication, including both computer and network hardware as well as necessary software. In other words, ICT consists of IT as well as telephony, broadcast media, and all types of audio and video processing and transmission.[2] The expression was first used in 1997[3] in a report by Dennis Stevenson to the UK government[4] and promoted by the new National Curriculum documents for the UK in 2000. ICT is often used in the context of "ICT roadmap" to indicate the path that an organization will take with their ICT needs.[5][6] The term ICT is now also used to refer to the merging (convergence) of telephone networks with computer networks through a single cabling or link system. There are large economic incentives (huge cost savings due to elimination of the telephone network) to merge the telephone network with the computer network system. See VOIP. This in turn has spurred the growth of organizations with the term ICT in their names to indicate their specialization in the process of merging the two network systems.